DAY 46– Sun, Feb 25th, 2024


BIBLE TEXT(S): Eccl 7:9, Pro 16:32, Gen 49:5-7

The book of Ecclesiastes 7:9 tells that we should not be hasty in the Spirit to get
angry for anger rested in the bosom of fools (KJV). In other words, anger labels
one a fool and makes him act foolishly. (NLT)

1. Father, I thank you for your mercy that endures forever in Jesus’ name.
Palms 136:1.
2. Father, please forgive me for all the foolish ways I have acted and the sin I
have committed due to uncontrolled anger in Jesus’ name.
3. Thank you, father, for being slow to anger and rich in mercy and love in
Jesus’ name. Prov 15:18.
4. Father, give me the grace to always refrain from anger and forsake wrath in
Jesus’ name. Psa 37:8.
5. Father, give me the understanding that will enable me to be slow to anger at
all times in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 14:29
6. Father, please release into me the grace to be quick to hear, slow to speak
and slow to anger in Jesus’ name. Jas 1:19.
7. Father, help me not to sin at any time I am angry in Jesus’ name. Eph 4:26
8. Father, give me the wisdom to always give soft answers that can turn away
wrath and cause peace to prevail in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 15:1.
9. Father, by your grace and mercy, deliver me from all bitterness, wrath,
anger, clamor and slander in Jesus’ name. Eph 4:31.
10.Father, please create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within me
in Jesus’ name. Psa 51:10.
11.I bind and cast out every inherited spirit of anger operating in my life and
family in Jesus’ name. Mar 18:18.
12.Father, I pray for grace to forgive and forbear with people at all times in the
mighty name of Jesus. Eph 4:2-3.
13.Father, please restore unto me everything that anger has destroyed in my
life in Jesus’ name. Joel 24-26
14.Father, as your wind is blowing, please restore unto me every broken
relationship as a result of my being angry in Jesus’ name. Prov 22:24
15.Father, let your wind blow in favour of godly parenting in Jesus name.
Eph 6:4.

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