DAY 45– Sat, Feb 24th, 2024


BIBLE TEXT: Heb 5:13, Gal 4:1-3, Eph 5:1.

A spiritually matured Christian is one whose whole character, dispositions,
words, and actions emulate the character of Christ Himself. Ephesians 5:1. God
wants us to be spiritually matured so that we can be diligent in His kingdom

1. Father, thank you for making provision for us to grow spiritually in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, give us the grace to always pant after your word so that we can grow
spiritually in Jesus’ name. Palms 42:1.
3. Father, release into our lives the grace to always thirst and hunger after
righteousness in Jesus’ name. Matthew 5:6.
4. Father, please deliver us from childish ways, of thinking, speaking and doing
things in Jesus’ name. 1 Corinthians 13:11, 1 Corinthians 14:20.
5. Father, please give us the grace to advance onto maturity, perfection and
completeness in Jesus name. Hebrews 6:1.
6. Oh Lord, increase my faith in You so that I will be able to move spiritual
mountains of childish behaviour in Jesus’ name. Mark 11:22-23, Luke 17:5.
7. Father, please raise spiritually matured pastors for Your Church so that the flocks
can be properly fed in Jesus’ name. 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
8. Father, as your wind is blowing, please give your Church matured leaders that
can disciple and transform believers to attain the full stature of Christ in Jesus’
name. Ephesians 4:13.
9. Father, lift us up from the level of children so that we will not be carried away by
waves and blown about by every false doctrine and false prophets in Jesus’
name. Ephesians 4:14.
10. Father, give me the grace to be an imitator of God so that I can live out Christ’s
love in the mighty name of Jesus. Ephesians 5:1-2.
11. Father, give me the wisdom and knowledge that will enable me to be
rooted and grounded in Christ’s love in Jesus’ name. Ephesians 3:14-19.
12. Father, help the fivefold ministries you have given to the church to work
cooperatively in unity, to build up the body of Christ so that all can become
spiritually mature in Jesus’ name. Ephesians 4:1-16.
13. Father, give your Church the grace to be clothed with your whole armour so that
we can always stand against the wiles of the devil in Jesus’ name. Eph 6:10.
14. Father, as your wind is blowing, please feed me with your solid food so that I
can be mature enough to discern good and evil in the mighty name of Jesus.
Hebrew 5:12-14.
15. Father, as your wind is blowing, help our faith to be established in You alone in
Jesus name. Col 3:9-10.

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