Psalm 124:7 tells us that “Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: The snare is broken, and we are escaped.”

Human race comprises of soul, spirit and body. The soul of a man (generic word to include woman – all human race) is the seat of his/her intellect. That is the real you. That’s where you send execution signals of what choice you make. The soul can be interchangeably referred to as mind. It is where you “make up your mind.” It is the soul that dies, it is the soul that will stand before God on the day of judgement – 2 Cor 5:10; Romans 14:12, Ezekiel 18:20.

The soul is important and that is why the devil go for souls of men, to capture it, to kill, steal and destroy it.

Don’t let your soul be captured. When the soul of a man is captured by evil. The person losses his mind, he misbehaves at will. Such person’s understanding perishes. The person will have no mind of his own. He will be remote controlled by powers of darkness. The person will do unprofitable, inexplicable and irrational things contrary to reasonable human perception. The conscience of the person becomes seared. If the person is a leader, he will be a wicked one. If he is a student, he will amass failure, if he is in business he will accumulate losses, if he is rich, he will misbehave and spend money unwisely and on frivolities and wastes.

I pray for you, may your soul not be captured!

Declare upon yourself:

I declare that my soul has escaped from every satanic dungeon. I release my soul from every evil captivity. My soul is free. I am alive to God. I live in sanity of life in Christ. In Jesus name.

If you are yet to believe and receive Christ as your Lord and saviour. Please do so. Say, “Lord Jesus, I come to you today, I believe you came, you died for my sins, you were buried and you resurrected for my liberty, for my dominion, for my forgiveness of my sins and to be glorified with you at the end of age. In Jesus name.

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