DAY 34 – Tue, Feb 13th, 2024


BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa. 24:7-10.

Gates are openings that provide or restrict access to a place or something.
Whoever keeps the gate determines what comes to a place and what goes out of
the place. It is a dangerous thing for one’s enemy to possess his gate. On the
opposite, it is a victory to possess the gate of one’s adversary. Gates are also a
place of decisions making. We need to pray against every evil gate.

1. Father, we thank you because gates will be lifted up for you our king of glory
to come into our lives, in Jesus name. Ps.24:7-10.
2. Father, I command every gate to opportunity and breakthrough be open now
in Jesus name. Ps. 118:19-20.
3. 3. Father, every gate of evangelism in all nations is commanded to open
now, in Jesus name. Pro.11:32, Matt. 28:19-20.
4. Father, we command the gate of fruitfulness to open to all barren women in
our nations, in Jesus name. Gen. 1:28.
5. Father, we command the gate of opportunities to open to our youths in their
carriers, in Jesus name. Dan.11:32.
6. Father let the gates of unrighteousness in all our nations be lifted for
righteousness to reign in Jesus name. Prov.14:34.
7. Father let the gate of disunity in the body of Christ here on earth be uprooted
in Jesus name. Ps. 133:1-3.
8. Father use the blood of Jesus to nullify every dark blood sacrifice offered at
the gates of our nations demanding ransom in Jesus name. Heb.12:24.
9. Father unseat the evil and invisible gate men closing the gates of our nation
against God blessings in Jesus name. Isa.60:11.
10.Father with the key of David we lock every gate of infirmity, and sudden
death in our families in Jesus name. Rev.3:7.
11.Father I command the gate of bloodshed and war in the nations of the world
to cease in Jesus name. Deut. 19:10, Prov.23:18.
12.Father every gate that is opened for the sales of human organs in the nations
| of the world be shut permanently in Jesus name. Rev:3:7, Lev. 19:28.
13.Father every multitude of evil that have entered our nations because the
gates were widely open, angels of God locate them and throw them out in
Jesus name. Matt.15:13.
14.Father please as your wind is blowing, place your flaming sword over all the
gates to our nation to cut down and root out all enemies in Jesus name.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, let the gate of my nation be that of
thanksgiving, salvation and praise in Jesus name. Isa. 60:18

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